Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tolya's fourth letter to me!!

Wow!!! I just got 3 letters back to back from my oldest in Kaz Tolya!!! Such a blessing even if it was quite a surprise. Since he said he did not mind my sharing our letters we write with others I am posting them. He is so open with me in h...is writing! He is just the sweetest young man. 

  Here is the fourth letter:

Hello my dear Amanda Watts,

I'm great. Hope you are well. I got all your letters. Sorry for not answering for a long time. I had a lot of work at school.

I cut my finger when I worked. It is ok now. It didn't hurt because it happened very quickly. My brothers gave me ring. It is silver. It says "Спаси и Сохрани". I don't like to smile, but if you like when I smile in the photos I'll smile for you.

I'm glad to know you better. we have a lot of things in common. I don't play tennis very well. It is much fun skiing. I'm happy we are friends.

Yes, I like music. I listen to different kind of music. I like quiet music. My favorite lessons are Physical Education, Self Knowledge, Art and Craft, Russian Literature, etc. I like reading poems and novels. I don't sing and dance well.

I'd love to meet you some day. Hope it will happen someday. It will be great if you come with your relatives. I have never flown.

It is good you can do a lot of things! You are very talented! You are my inspiration! Thank you! Yes, I like sweets. I like taking pictures, but I don't have a camera or a cell phone. Sometimes I take my friends' phones and take pictures, but they don't like my pictures and delete them.

It is good your friend and I have birthdays at the same day. I will like anything from you.

Your friends and relatives are lucky to have you.

Your letters will never be bored to me.

Don't worry about my lessons. I love you very much.

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