Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Letter From Tolya... 5?

I got a letter from Tolya. This would make I believe letter five from him.

Here is his letter:

Hello my dear friend Amanda,
I'm very well. Hope you are well too!
The school is excellent! Sorry for not answering for a long time. We had much to do: the rehearsals for the New Year party, tests at school and etc. I'm at the lesson now, but don't worry, I'm ok.
How are you doing? How is your job? Say hello to your mom and brother, to all your friends.
We are celebrating New Year in a few days. Happy New Year! I wish you all the best and good health. When you are healthy you can do anything you want. I want to thank you for your package and for the bookstore outing. I bought 2 books, pens, posters and a lot of other  things. Thank you very much!!!
We will have a New Year party and I'll be Ded Moroz there (Grandfather Frost). I'm so excited!!! And I'll  parody a singer Stas Mikhailov.
I'll be happy to know how you celebrated Christmas and New Year. I'll be glad if you send me some pictures too.
I'm making a present for my brother Borya. His birthday is January 7. They are waiting for a baby! I'm very happy for my brother and his wife! Hope you like the news too!
I got just good marks this term. I try to study well because it is my last year at school. I can't wait for the graduation!
I'm very thankful for your attention to me. Hope we will be friends for a long time!
God save you!
Your friend, Tolya
Thank you very much for the Christmas presents! You draw very well! 

GOSH!! I Love His Letters!!


  1. It sure is. I love his letters. Note sure what to think without letters from him anymore.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Every time I see him I still think, "Peter Pevensie, High King Peter" haha! What a great and interesting letter!
