Saturday, August 10, 2013

Maylin's surprise letter number three

I got a surprise from Maylin at a great time!! We celebrated my little brothers 16th birthday by the way the 23rd of July.

Hard to say he is little...
On to my story... We headed out the 27th of July to visit some family friends in Georgia. My mom surprised me by handing me an envelope saying a message from your sponsor child. Fresh out of the mailbox!!!!

Here it is:
The front ....

My Friends template:
My favorite activity to do with my friends is and a drawring no words.
My best friend is Jeydi and a colored blonde headed girl
My friend goes to school with me: Yes
My best friend goes to the project with me: No
My best friend goes to the church with me: No
I met my best friend at school
My best friend is special because She always plays with me at the recess time and we talk a lot.
(I think she has an Interest in blonde hair right now)
The back....

A very colored  drawing and the letter.
The letter says.....
Dear Sponsor Amanda Watts: Maylin is sending you a strong hug and lots of kisses. (There went my heart) She is wishing you lots of blessings. She is thanking you for the gift that you sent her on April which was of Q.77.70; with that money she bought 1 towel, two bags of cereal and some milk. She is asking you to please pray for her siblings and parents. She wants you to know that her favorite color is pink and she is doing well in her school work. She wants you to know that her favorite thing to do with your friends is. Maylin says goodbye to you with lots of kisses for you and your dear family and friends. ( My heart)
Written by Maylin's dad
Her drawing. There is a lot of purple.....

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