Saturday, August 10, 2013

Another Letter.... Another quick arriving letter from Jairo.

This one is another about me from Jairo kind of like Jairo had sent in early June. It took around a month to get here. I sure am getting very quick letters from my Peru baby.

This is the front of his letter....

Jairo says:
My dear Amanda Watts
The color of my hair is black
The color of my eyes is black
I am 1 metro (?) centimeters tall
I am 1 first child in my family
My favorite activity is to: (He put quite a few) play, draw, and he added paint
When I grow up I want to be a doctor (one of my babies that want to be a doctor out of quite a few.)
Now to the back with his drawing and his letter.......

His letter says.....
Dear Sponsor Amanda Watts
He greets you in the name of the Lord. He likes to make drawings, color and play in the see-saw in the Project. He is a very shy child. How many children do you have? (The third time I have been asked that. They all just have been worded differently.) He asks you to pray that his mom will come to the Lord someday. ( He asked this his last letter) He says goodbye. May God bless you. Jairo Jean Pier Hurtado Godoy and Luisa the tutor
Here is his picture. It looks like a very tall boy and some kind of animal.

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