Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Please help with my dream!

Hi everyone I wanted to post this. With even view comment or whatever you do on this I get money. The money will go to benefit my sponsor children. Mainly to have my dream come true. To visit my kids in their countries. Please every thing you do on my posts no matter how much I make a little. I would greatly appreciate the help I can get. Jalissa NaomiSkyla Carter thanks for introducing me to this sight.


  1. I don't want to sign up for another membership on the new site but I have clicked "like" for you. I hope it helps you raise what you need. God bless you for all you do for the children.

  2. Thanks so much Joyful. You don't have to join. I just thank you for taking the time to read my posts and to go on there and read and to even like. I plan to continue to post on here. I just want to post also a little on there to see if I can make some money to go first to Guatemala and Uganda. Then visit my other kids in their countries. :) Thanks for reading my posts and taking time out of your day to help. :)
