Saturday, October 5, 2013

My Youngest Phillip's First And Second Letter!!

On to my third post out of many that I need to make. Monday my mom called saying I got two things in the mail. Wednesday as I was ridding with her to the doctor the second thing I got in the mail was a manila envelope. I opened it to find all kinds of things to make me smile from my two Ugandan orphan boys. I will share the youngest boy his things he sent here.
He sent me two letters in an small manila evnvelope.The first in May before I sponsored him and the second in June where I am not sure if it was written before or after I sponsored him.

Here is the first letter my sweet little now 7 year old sent to me written in May:
Here is what his first letter said I believe written most likely by his mom:
Kitamirike Phillip
Dear my parent,
                         I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ. I hope your doing well with your family. For me I am fine and at home
     This very glad to hear that I am going to get a sponsor and I will be very greatful to see my parent. My name Kitamirike Phillip it means a prince, I am 6 years old and I am in middle class. I am sorry that my father died off Aids and he left me when I was too young.Therefore I hope to get a good parent like you.
     My dream is that I want to become a lawyer and I hope to be a good lawyer.
(In the heart it says)
 I love you so much my parent
I love you to hear from you
I love to see "U"
May the Lord
This is the picture he drew and sent with it:
His second letter was written in June and is the one I am not sure if I was sponsoring him yet or not (think I was):
Somebody seems to like trains. Thomas in particular here.
Here is his second letter:
Hello mumy and daddy. (Think he is referring to me and Billy even though he has never written)
          I would like to send you greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. That how are you all with my family member (? not quite sure what he is completely trying to say here). My name is Kitamirike Phillip. I stay with my mother because my father died I am a ugandan by nationality 6 years old and I am in middle class.
     I here by knowing that almighty God had already choosen you as my parent and I am just looking forward to see you and I love you so much.
     My favorite colour is green
     My favorite dish is rice and meat. (this would be a rare treat because meat with meals are so rare)
     How about you?
     My dreams
I want to be a God fearing man in future and I want to save God. (? Wonder if he means that literally or just that he wants to be saved)
I want to be a "lawyer"
                                                                                 yours son
                                                                                   Kitamirike Phillip
I Love "U" So Much.
I found this just last night on the back of the letter. How I missed it I do not know.
It says:
May the allmighty God
bless "U"
I miss you.
I want to see you.
long live my sponsor.
Now here is his photo:
His letter was the sweetest and helped me to get my smile back some from reading my oldest Philip's letter. Bless the sweetheart he wants me to visit so bad.


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